Welcome to the Wysong PTO / Parent Information page! The Wysong Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) strives to work with the school to enhance and enrich our students’ learning experience. We are very excited to help the amazing staff at Wysong provide an amazing learning experience for our children.
Our mission is to develop a positive and welcoming culture among our families and teachers, to maximize the educational experience for our children.
If you would like to receive information from our PTO about events and other activities, please visit wysong.ptboard.com to get signed up to receive communication from PTO. If you have a student at Wysong you are already a full-fledged member of the PTO.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email us at wysongptoboard@gmail.com to send us a quick note.
You can also find out more by checking out our Wysong PTO Facebook page if you are a Facebook user (just search for Wysong Elementary School PTO).

As part of our annual WE HEART WYSONG CAMPAIGN, please consider donating to our general PTO fund here: linktr.ee/WysongPTO. The majority of our fundraising efforts this year have gone towards our Playground Fund. Now, we need to replenish our PTO general fund. Remember, on average, the PTO needs to raise $40 per student per year to get to our operating budget of around $25,000. To get a recap of everything that the PTO generally helps fundraise for and where the funds are allocated, read this: Wysong PTO 101.